Today i am going to talk abaut my favorite singer, he is Alex Anwandter, i like since i have seventeen.
I like ther music because the beat and his letters make me dance, but also because have a social content
even he have a album call: dance and cry, this album is when he was part of a band call Teleradio Donoso, before of make a soloist career in 2010. I love Teleradio Donoso, but i like more now, because he have more personal content.
Alex is from Chile. not only is a singer, he too is a music producer, he write the songs and make the videos.Is more that just a singer of pop music
In 2016 make a movie call: you will never be alone, inspired in a hate crime in Chile, a homicide of a homexual boy, Alex is homosexual.
in a video of one of my favorite song call how can you live with your self, in the stetic refers a movie call paris is burning, a documental abaut the ball culture of New York City in 1980 and the African-American, Latino, gay, and transgender communities involved in it.
i just dance in live with this song two times, i realy wanna go more to their concerts. So you can invited me
The few song that I know I like very much, always friday in my heart.I love you!
ResponderBorrarI see him one time in a concert and was so cool
ResponderBorrarI love Alex too <3
ResponderBorrarI love Alex! 'Siempre es viernes en mi corazón' and 'Manifiesto' are my favorite songs of him