miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016

My future job:

it´s hard to picture myself in a professional environment, It is still a distant image.  I think I would like to have a job that doesn't take too much time of my life, the most of the people live to job and job to live. I would hate finish in an office day after day for the rest of my life. Work eigth hours is not. Work eight hours a day does not excite me

I have many projects in my head, like a school in the south,also I would like to do research, artistic projects for social, work with people, make my life that. I have nothing clear yet, just a lot of ideas and desire. I hope to build alternative educational projects

I think about doing what I love, learn and teach.  I would love to continue studying to elderly and learn from many disciplines. always I am meeting new people who can teach me something new, the important thing in the anthropology, is always be learn.

I like holistic medicine, theater, language and dance, can be all this thing with anthropology that would be wonderful.

martes, 11 de octubre de 2016


I was born in democracy, in the transition to democracy to be more exact, and this year is the first time that I can vote in the elections, and be participant of democratical process in my country. I am a woman, I can understand that my  vote is a result of dispute and organization of women in the last century, and know something of the history and social process in the country, the binominal system is a heritage from the dictatorship for example

 I dont know if I wanna go to vote.. I have so much doubt about that, waking up early on a Sunday to draw a line in a paper, a line  that does not mean anything, the promise of the endogamic political class  it diffuses in the air.

Democracy is an illusion to make us believe that we are free, that we choose, it is the biggest fraud of this age. The same guys who control the present, control the past, and this way control the future, and the politician are always the same people, a little group with all the power.

If we wanna change the unfair and inequality country in which we live, we have to participate, trully participate ,  not expect solutions, not ask for  scraps.  

If voting changen something, it would be ilegal

martes, 4 de octubre de 2016

I am not good at seeing movies or TV in general, but I like see on internet some specific shows of TV. My favorite show, is called South park, it is an American adult animate sitcom, the last month was a premiere of the season twentieh, I waited all the weeks for the new episode, I was waiting the new season from the last year.  I always laugh MY LUNGS OUT. . 

I like it because it has a crude and dark language, sometimes surreal humor and it satirizes a wide range of topics: politics, love, actuality, celebrities, religion. It is a satire about  the contemporary life, a lot better than the Simpsons and Family Guy. 

It is about four children of fourth grade: Stan, Kenny, Cartman and Cayle  who live in a fiction city in Colorado called south park and their adventures and misfortune, with their families and friends.  

Each episode starts with the long sentence: "All characters and events in this show—even those based on real people—are entirely fictional. All celebrity voices are impersonated.....poorly. The following program contains coarse language and due to its content it should not be viewed by anyone.  
Everyone have to see them